Peer-Review Process

The Sophia Perennis accept submission via its online submission system. The submitted manuscript must be accompanied with a cover letter in which the authors should state why the manuscript should be considered, evaluate on any issues relating to the Sophia Perennis editorial policies and declare if they have any competing interests. The authors of received manuscripts are also asked to submit a copyright declaration of competing interests as part of their manuscript.

Article submitted to the Journal is sent out to peer reviewers, although submissions that are out of scope for the Journal or are of an unacceptably low standard may be rejected without review. Potentially suitable manuscripts will generally be reviewed by three experts in the field with the aim of reaching a first decision as soon as possible. Specialist statistical advisers are used when necessary to ensure that the statistical reasoning in manuscripts is sound. Reviewers are asked to declare their competing interests, if any.


Editorial decisions are made based on the manuscript’s validity and coherence, as judged by the peer reviewers. In addition to their comments for the authors, reviewers are asked whether the research is sound and coherent, the topic interesting and the writing of an acceptable quality. Where possible, the final decision is made on the basis that peer reviewers are in accordance with one another, or that at least there is no strong dissenting view. In cases where there is strong disagreement, either among the peer review or between the authors and the peer reviewers, advice is sought from an editorial board member or a researcher of similar standing.

  • participation
    The author must complete and submit the authors' form, which specifies their contribution and rights, before submitting the article.
    Also, changes in the order of authors after admission will be reviewed only by providing reasons and approval of all authors
  • Complaints and appeals
    If you have any objections to the acceptance of the article or the review, send your request to
  • Review Type: Double-blind Peer Review
  • Submitting manuscript by the author through our submission system
  • Sending to the editor-in-chief
  • Unacceptable manuscripts will be returned by the editor-in-chief (in two weeks)
  • Acceptable manuscripts will be considered for peer review (between four to eight weeks)
  • The accepted articles will be considered for publication

The detailed Journal peer review process is based on the following Flow Diagram: