Review of the Viewpoint of Azod al'Dīn Īji's Moral Philosophy
ontology of ethics, Semantics of ethics, epistemology of ethics, Azod al'Dīn Īji's, moral philosophyAbstract
The Famous thinkers, explains Īji's view of ethics, like other Ash'arites, as one of divine command theory, But he does not consider moral good and evil to be limited to the meaning of the merit of praising the Shari'a and blame, sometimes also means perfection and imperfection or expediency and corruption. According to Īji's moral ontology, it can be attributed to him that he is realist based on the promise to reason good and evil and he is subjectivist based on the promise to religious good and evil. Although he does not make a logical connection between good and evil moral meanings, he accepts Argument ability for meaning of reason good and evil. his reason for not communicating logically between these meanings, which is God's compulsion, seems invalid because, if explained logically, God's legislative will is based on God's creative will, and it will not be forced by a non-god.