The priority of the practical theosophy over the theoretical wisdom in Suhrawardi’s illuminationist philosophy
Suhrawardi, practical theosophy, theoretical wisdom, theosophyAbstract
There are some evidences in Suhrawardi’s works about the preference of the practice compared with theoretical research that it can direct us to the preference of practical thosophy towards theoretical wisdom with giving some reasons. Theoretical wisdom was prioritized compared with practical theosophy before Suhrawardi, especially in Peripatetic school, but Suhrawardi established a wisdom by using illuminative way with the discussing way and by prioritizing this way compared with the discussing way by criticizing Peripatetics in which practical wisdom is prioritized,the priority in terms of essence not time. Mystical journey and aceticism is a impartible part of Suhrawardi’s practical theosophy. His wisdom is an intuitive and mystical wisdom in which Hakim experience the realities objectively not subjectively. Hence we can called Suhrawardi an empiricist philosopher, an intuitive and mystical experiment. The priority of practical wisdom over theoretical wisdom is investigable in his written thought and also in his practical life.