The Origin of Wisdom: An Investigation of relationships among Hermes and Agathodaimon, father of philosophers
Agathodaimom, Hermes, Sabein, HekmatAbstract
In ancient Greek and Egyptian texts, Agathodaimon and Hermes are known to have occult science that is the study of a deeper spiritual reality that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences .Also they were the source of all knowledges and industries, through their connection with the divine source and metaphysics. Thinking so in Sabein cosmology and then in Islamic Philosophy world view became stronger and more religious. In doing so Hermes has identified with Edris and Agathodaimon with Sheith. In this framework of thought, It is necessary the existence of a master and guide which is sometimes beyond the realm of time and space. He is a spiritual teacher, which in Sohrawadi and later sages is identified with spatial and personal deity (god). Sohrawadi and other Islamic Philosopher believe that philosophy is a revelation from God through the sages like Hermes. Therefore Hermes is the father of philosopher.