Suhrawardi's Modal Syllogisms


    ضیاء موحد * دانشیار موسسه پژوهشی حکمت و فلسفه ایران

کلمات کلیدی:

Suhrawardi, Logic, Modal logic, Syllogism, Hikmat al-Ishraq


Suhrawardi’s logic of the Hikmat al-Ishraq is basically modal. So to understand his modal logic one first has to know the non-modal part upon which his modal logic is built. In my previous paper ‘Suhrawardi on Syllogisms’(3) I discussed the former in detail. The present paper is an exposition of his treatment of modal syllogisms. On the basis of some reasonable existential presuppositions and a number of controversial metaphysical theses, and also by confining his theory to alethic modality, Suhrawardi makes his modal syllogism simple in a way that is without precedent


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