Apriorism and Platonic Chorismos in the Origin of Heidegger’s Ontological Difference


    Ahmad Rajabi * Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Iran rajabi.ahmad@ut.ac.ir


"Chorismos", "the Apriori", "the clearing", "idea of the good", "Transcendence"


This paper attempts to pursue the critique of Platonic Chorismos relating to Heidegger’s later thought and thereby to reveal what kind of necessity is involved in the difference, priority and transcendence of ‘the clearing’ (Lichtung) or the Being as such, as the origin of the ontological difference, with regard to the Being of beings and the understanding of Being according to the problem of Phenomenology, i.e. the possibility of appearance and phenomenality. This necessity will be first considered by interpretation of the difference and priority of ‘the clearing’ with regard to the status of phenomenological Apriori in Heidegger’s earlier and later thought by his referring to Plato’s Doctrine of Recollection; then, Heidegger’s interpretation of Plato’s Doctrine of Ideas, especially the Idea of the Good, will be pursued too in three periods in Heidegger’s thought in order to disclose the transcendence and separation of ‘the clearing’ from Being and appearance, and consequently, the concealment and unavailability of ‘the clearing’ at least in a deep nexus with Plato’s Allegories of Sun and Cave; a connection that has to be emphasized in contrast to Heidegger’s own position against Plato’s Doctrine of Truth.




How to Cite

Apriorism and Platonic Chorismos in the Origin of Heidegger’s Ontological Difference. (2022). Sophia Perennis (Jāvīdān Khirad) , 18(39), 141-168. https://journalsirip.com/index.php/javidankherad/article/view/110