Mystic’s Speech


    Qorban Valy Muhammad Abadi * استادیار دانشگاه زنجان


silence, Speech, mysticism, Sufism, Outpouring of Speech


Silence has a prominent position in mystical journey. The reason of being silent and denial of inner thoughts is due to superficial influence of these two on the successful mystical journey. In this paper, we attempt to answer this question: Why mystics are so talkative in spite of their recommendation to silence?  Of course all of the mystics are not so talkative but eminent figures in Islamic mysticism are often so and they have left lots of verbal and written works. The abundance of eminent Islamic mystics’ works is undeniable. In this paper we attempt to discover the motivation of mystics’ talkativeness and show the reason of the abundance of their works. It should be noted by “mystic” we mean a perfect instance of this word, i.e. a person who has ended the journey towards Allah, and after annihilation in Allah has reached the position of persistence in Allah. Reminding this point is important in that in the journey towards Allah, there is no escape from silence and denial of inner thoughts, and silence is an inherent consequence of annihilation circumstances. Therefore a mystic who has the position of annihilation in Allah, is the manifestation arena of the divine names and attributes and can be orator and speaker.




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