Moral Intuition, Meaning and Justification


    Behrooz Mohammadi Monfared * استادیار و مدیر گروه فلسفه اخلاق، پژوهشگاه علوم و فرهنگ اسلامی،‌ قم


Intuition. Moral intuition. Moral belief. Intuitive justification. Reliability of moral intuition


Contemporary epistemologists have different views about the meaning and justification of moral intuition and intuition. In this paper, I will attempt to examine the meaning and justification of moral intuition and I will support the view that moral intuition is a kind of rational appearance which has value content. This paper answers the question that how moral intuition stops the regress of justification of moral beliefs and how to justify basic moral beliefs? Firstly this paper refers to the negative and affirmative aspects of moral intuition and then analyzes the nature of the justification of moral intuition and then suggests two models of justification of moral intuition: introspective account of moral intuition and reliability of moral intuitions. Either of these theories help to justify a person in his moral beliefs and stop the regress of basic moral beliefs. Finally, the conditions of intuitive justification such as moral impartiality will be expressed




How to Cite

Moral Intuition, Meaning and Justification. (2022). Sophia Perennis (Jāvīdān Khirad) , 10(23), 123-148.